
Test З

Directions: (Questions 1—21).

Test your vocabulary. Complete these sentences by using the correct words from the box. Use each word once only. There is an extra word which you do not need to use.

There is an example at the beginning (0).

Задания: (1—21).

Закончите предложения, используя подходящие слова из рамки. Используйте каждое слово только один раз. В начале задания дан пример (О). В рамке есть лишнее слово, которое не нужно использовать.

Personal Computer

station array system individual functions

background personal computer to provide interface

The first (0) personal computer was put on the market in 1975.

Today the personal computer can serve as a work (1)

for the (2) _____ _. Moreover, just as it has

become financially feasible (3) a computer for the

individual worker, so also technical developments have made the

(4) between man and machine increasingly

"friendly", so that a wide (5) of computer (6)

are now accessible to people with no technical (7) personal metering processor different controlling disposal feasible microcomputer based on

A personal computer is a small computer (8) a

microprocessor; it is a (9) .. Not all microcomputers,

however, are (10) computers. A microcomputer can

be dedicated to a single task such as (11) a machine

tool or (12) the injection of fuel into an automobile

engine; it can be a word (13) , a video game or a

"pocket computer" that is not quite a computer. A personal

computer is something (14) : a stand-alone computer

that puts a wide array of capabilities at the (15) of an

individual. systems hour chips market complete second generation

The first (16) of true personal computers, which

came on the (17) between 1977 and 1981, had eight-

bit microprocessors; the most recently introduced (18)

have 16-bit ones. Now 32-bit microprocessor (19)

are available, and soon they will be included in (20)

computer systems. As for clock frequency, the trend

has been from one megahertz (one million cycles per (21) ) a few years ago to 10 megahertz or more today.

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